Queen Frederika

Queen Frederika, the wife of King Paul of Greece was known as much for her outspoken and domineering nature as for an extreme patriotism and anti-communism that bordered on the fanatical. The collapse of the Karamanlis conservative government in 1963 had as much to do with Queen Frederika's trip to London as it did with the assassination of Grigoris Lambarkis. (She was met with massive riots as Karamanlis had predicted and asked her not to go) As a girl Frederika had belonged to a Hitler Youth group and while in school in Italy she was heard defending Nazi Germany. Three of her brothers served in the Wehrmacht, Hitler's army. What is not known about Queen Frederika is her spiritual quest which led her to India as a disciple of agadguru Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi Swamigal. Queen Frederika, had been practicing meditation for sometime and had studied the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Frederika claims that it was her advanced research in physics that had started her on a spiritual quest.  It culminated in her accepting the non-dualism or absolute monism of Shankara as her philosophy of life and science. 

"In the nineteenth century, scientists had thought that the cosmos was made up of ninety-two basic elements, such as hydrogen, oxygen and iron, which were indestructible.  This implied that the universe had a diversity of independently existing materials.  However, during this century research had revealed that all elements were in fact made up of a single energy.  The cosmos was therefore intrinsically one, whether it appeared as a speck of dust, a tree, a Nobel Prize-winning genius or a black-hole beyond the galaxies.  The differences were merely appearances.  Our senses give us a knowledge of what is apparent, but not of the underlying one reality of the cosmos.  This one energy which permeates the whole of creation was what Hinduism calls ‘brahma’.  Long before physics discovered it, Shankara had argued that the world of sense experience, that is the world of matter, was a world of appearance (maya), because at the root of each individual existence is the same energy which forms the cosmos.  The human self (atman) is ultimately not distinct from the universal self (brahma).  Duality is illusion.  Reality is not dual, but one.  Science has yet to catch up with what the seers in India had already understood over 2500 years ago. While Greece is the country of my birth, India is the country of my soul."

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